Automotive OEM supplier: global deployment of life cycle management
An automotive supplier of supplier of safety critical, high performance products to the top vehicle manufacturers. As a result of lack of integration of acquisitions and global expansion, its Life Cycle Management Process became complex, costly and lengthy. Working together with its leadership and key staff we developed and implemented a new process, incorporating best practices and technologies.
What We Did
Created a “Green Field” LCM process, incorporating the best practices found in the different parts of the business
Working with a real/live NPI project we facilitated a number of workshops, where we walked through each of the gateways and activities in between. Lessons were learned and changes were applied to the Green Field process.
Having successfully gone through a whole cycle, the new process was documented and rolled out through all the technical centres.
Throughout the whole project, we used our Sustainable Change methodology to ensure pace and value
Measurable improvements in all areas including a doubling of new programme win rate.
New multifunction Product Development and Introduction Teams committed to common goals & targets.
Product strategies agreed & translated into easily communicated ‘ground rules’.
New process with clearly defined decision points (gateways), responsibilities & measures.
A worldwide roll out programme tailored around the needs of each business unit enabling each unit to specify its detailed way of working within the overall process & guidelines.